blog English

Meet Our Author: M. Hollis

Tell Us Something About Yourself

I’m M. Hollis and I live in the south of Brazil.

blog English

Meet Our Author: Pascal J. Ellen

I live in Offenbach, near Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

My pen name for this anthology is Pascal J. Ellen. I sometimes write things under my real name too, but this is my first fictional work so I thought I’d come up with a name especially for this.

blog English

Meet Our Author: Andrew L. Huerta

Tell Us Something About Yourself

My name is Andrew L. Huerta and I live in Tucson, Arizona.

blog English

Meet Our Author: Xan West

Tell Us Something About Yourself

I write under the name Xan West, and I live in Oakland, California.

I find pieces of myself in various characters, but rarely come close to seeing my whole self in a character. Which is one of the reasons I write what I do, to write folks like me into the story.

blog English

Meet Our Author: Eden S. French

It’s a messy situation. My first two novels were published as Sophia French, which is my legal name, and my third as Eden S. French, which is my preferred name. But I’ve recently gotten engaged to my girlfriend, the artist Wren Fay, and will be taking her name—so my future work will be published as Eden Sophia Fay. A publicist’s nightmare, I’m sure.