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Drag Affair: Co-Boding Drag for Mental Healing, Collaboration and Empathy With a Touch

by Patruni Chidananda Sastry

The idea of art was something that I developed as I started learning about practices around me. I always used to be amused with the oddity of things in life. With my training in Indian classical dance early on, I was taught to see the world through the lens of how it needed to be seen. The idea of what is beauty vs what is reality helped me keep questioning time and again. With my approach to drag in which I appear as a suffocated art specimen, trying to rip the beauty apart from what the world liked to see, I was always seen as an unpredictable drag performer. Initially, I was questioned about my aesthetics but it took some time to educate people on the idea of Tranimal. However, the idea of creating art by myself was something that encouraged me to keep the ball rolling.

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How ›Queer‹ Made It into Our Books and Our Publishing House

We all have questions. Or, at least, thoughts. Some themes that have come up are: Who are we? What do we want? What are we doing in this little corner of the internet/world we call Queer Pack? And, finally, why is the word “queer” being used?

Let’s start easy. We’re Katja Ken, Sam, and Gabby. You can read basic bios here. In a nutshell, put us in a blender (please don’t) and you’d get a mix of: enbies, lesbians, feminists, butch, bisexuals, trans, demies, and spoonies. You’d also get book worms, media junkies, cat lovers, beach lovers, sleep lovers, anarchists, and a many-a-dash of other things.

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Queer Pack is Back With New Queer Books

Guess who’s back?

Back again?

Shady’s ba

Wait. Wrong announcement. And decade.

Almost wrong century? Wow we’re all old.

But no, really! Guess who’s back?

Queer Pack is back (try saying that ten times as fast as you can) and hopefully with some new queer books very soon!

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Meet Our Author: Cameron Van Sant

Tell Us Something About Yourself

My name is Cameron Van Sant and I live in Sacramento, California, which according to one Wikipedia page, is the sixth gayest city in America, and easily the gayest American city you’ve never heard of.

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Meet Our Author: Aila Alvina Boyd

Tell Us Something About Yourself

My name is Aila Alvina Boyd and I live in a quaint town in Virginia in the U.S.